For all patients engaged in CP, you should see a care coordination note in their chart outlining enrollment/disenrollment status, the assigned care coordinator, and the general organization contact. The care plan should also be uploaded to the media tab in the patient’s chart.
Example of patient cc note:

There may be a lag between when the change is made and when we hear of the change. If you find out that the information on the care coordination note is inaccurate or has changed, please update the patient care coordination note and let Saja Alani, MPH, know via email:
-Source: email from Saja Alani to MGH Outreach & Resource navigation group, 5/22/23.
Comparison Grid: services available through MGH iCMP, iCMP Plus, Community Partners and SDH CHWs/Navigators (note for iCMP, referral usually must come from the PCP.)